(Above: A hairy set of saprophytes growing on a dead tree branch.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and some website correspondence. This was ensued by my writing for about 3 hours until 11:30 AM which is when I began the day’s food preparations. At 12, I visited Padre for a little while at the studio before returning to Jacobhouse and grilling a large shoulder-steak for lunch. The midday meal occurred at 1:00 PM and consisted of the aforementioned beef along with a sizeable Padre-made / Madre-dressed salad.

(7:33 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with revising and rest within the Jacobhouse highbed. I next ventured outside to help with farm-related tasks, including: catching / weaning about twenty calves, performing a couple beef herd inspections (both in the barn and out in the field), clearing away a hefty amount of branch-mess left behind by the power crew, and completing a third and final beef pasture check with Padre. On returning to Jacobhouse for the evening, I made a sizeable sausage/mushroom pizza which is cooking right now as I write the majority of this entry.
Final Note: After submitting this entry and eating a delicious pizza dinner, I plan on enjoying an hour or two of leisure.