(Above: Jacobhouse yard weed-eatered by me [and mowed by Madre]. I found the lush little plants grown beneath the deck, front steps, and around the pillars to be aesthetically pleasing, so I left them.)

Summary: This day began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and a little bit of garden tending (primarily weeding in garden #1). I next returned indoors where I tended to writing for over 2.25 hours. At 11 AM, I prepared and initiated the baking of a couple russet potatoes for lunch, and at 12 PM, the midday meal took place, consisting of baked potatoes, chicken drippings from yesterday*, a Padre-made/Madre-dressed salad, and some watermelon.
(5:32 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with about 20 minutes of writing, a chicken-dripping induced mini-coma in the Jacobhouse bed, and leisure time. I ventured outdoors at 3pm and helped with a number of farm-related tasks, including: capturing a calf for treatment, catching a cow for embryo transfer, and checking both the field and the barn for ailing animals. After those were complete, I weed-eatered** around Jacobhouse. It was my first time performing this task with automatically powered device, and I have to say, it was quite easy. Now Jacobhouse is looking neat on the outside as well as on the inside.
Final Note: I have made dough for a tasty something tonight. It shall accompany burger-steaks, springmix salad, and watermelon. What could it be? I’ll post the results on tomorrow’s entry.
*The ‘gravy’ heated up quite well in the hot potato and provided it with a buttery and savory chicken flavor.
*Can’t really say “weed-eating”, because that is the act of actually eating weeds which occurs on a frequent basis around here.