7/23/2020 – Sushi in the dark.


(Above: Delicious and barely visible sushi. Strangely, this lunch seemed even more delicious and filling than usual. Perhaps it was due to the lack of visual stimuli?)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and some housekeeping tasks. This was ensued by writing for about 2.5 hours and then by my venturing into Ocala with Madre to procure lunch from Sushi Bistro. There was heavy rain both ways, but especially as we returned home. Shortly after our arrival, the power went out* and remained out for the next 45-50 minutes as we ate our delectable lunch. Power returned just after we finished at ~ 12:55 PM.

(1:28 PM Update:) This afternoon began with my typing much of today’s entry and fixing / labeling / captioning pictures, and now I’m about to take a short rest. (1:29 PM update: The power has just gone out again.)

(5:35 PM Update:) At 3 PM, I departed Jacobhouse to tend a Master Blend customer and to help with some bovine-related tasks. The former was easy, but the latter was somewhat unpleasant, as it consisted of dehorning a few young stock. Indeed, the sounds of crunching ‘bone’ and the sight of spurting blood are not very appealing. Fortunately, the exercise did not last very long, and electricity returned right as Padre, Wag, and I were finishing up. On returning to Jacobhouse, I set about dry-brining a whole chicken, and now I’m completing today’s entry before heading out for a beef pasture check.

Here are some picture’s of yesterday’s late-day shenanigans:

Final Note: Due to lunch’s superb and plentiful sushi, dinner this evening will likely be quite light and consist of watermelon and springmix salad. Leisure will occur soon afterward.

*Yes, second day in a row.