(Above: Bovines checking a downed power line to ensure it still does not have current.)

Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and some housekeeping tasks. This was ensued by about two hours of writing after which I took a break. Breaktime consisted primarily of cutting watermelon and lasted about 35 minutes. I returned to writing soon afterward and continued until Madre brought a plenitude of groceries over to Jacobhouse. I put these away in their appropriate locations and returned to outlining which lasted until 12:30 when I prepared and cooked some Master Blend burger-steaks for lunch.
(3:24 PM Update:) Afternoon activities has thus far entailed more outlining, rest, and even more outlining. Jacobhouse lost power at about 2:45 PM, and on seeing a message from Madre, I ventured to the front window to find that the cause was a broken electric line extending southwest from the pole just in front of the deck. Fortunately, the safety fuse had popped, so when the bovines went in for a closer inspection, they remained in a lively and non-electrocuted state. As for farm activities, it appears that there will be very few (7:55 PM Update: Haha.), though I will likely end up checking the beef pasture with Padre around 6 or 7 PM when the rain has stopped.
Final Note (7:53 PM Update): From about 4:20 PM to 7:00 PM I was out helping with various farm activities (and tending to a Master Blend customer). Many of these activities were electric fence related. At 7, I returned indoors and made a quick-rise baking powder pizza with a special sauce that shall be detailed in tomorrow’s post. It contains calamint.