7/20/2020 – A bountiful summer harvest.


(Above: Berry tomatoes, collards, Malabar summer spinach, Jewels of Opar (leaves), and cucumbers harvested from Gardens #1 and #2.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and a few Jacobhouse tasks. This was ensued by writing for about two hours. At the end of that time, I ventured outdoors to tend to a Master Blend customer who had come to purchase another sixty pounds of ground beef for his Doberman pups*. I next returned to Jacobhouse where I oiled/salted some potatoes and got them baking (and did the same minus the baking portion for a couple steaks). Forty more minutes of writing was followed by my grilling the steaks, removing the potatoes from the oven, and bringing both beef and tubers over to the studio for lunch at 12 PM.

(4:41 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with some outlining, a rest in the Jacobhouse high-bed, and more outlining. At 3 PM, I ventured outdoors where I helped with a small number of farm-related activities, including: attempting to catch a couple bovines as they rushed into the barn to eat**, checking / feeding a couple animals in the beef pasture, and searching for ailing creatures in the barn. After these tasks along with a seltzer break, I returned to Jacobhouse where I put together most of this entry before working on some pastry dough for a dinner ‘apple galette’. The latter activity consisted of making dough and peeling / spicing apple.

Final Note: After returning from this evening’s beef pasture check, I plan on cooking the apple pastry for dinner. It shall be served alongside some delicious Nickles’ watermelon.

*He has bought over 240 lbs thus far.

** Neither of the required cows showed up because the sun was too hot and they would rather remain in the shade of oaks out in the pasture than come up to the barn for fodder.