

(Above: While walking past the milking parlor this morning, I saw the sun shining into this window and thought it might make a good picture. This is the result.)

Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture inspection with Padre. This was followed by my return to Jacobhouse where I tended to a few housekeeping tasks before writing for about two hours. At 11:15 AM, I ventured over to the studio for a visit, and at 12:30 PM, we were eating a lunch of baked potatoes / Nickles’ sweet potatoes, a fresh salad, and some delectable watermelon.

(5:13 PM Update:) This afternoon began with writing, rest, and an hour’s bout of leisure. Next, I ventured outdoors where I helped with farm-related activities, including: washing the feedlot where the cows eat , moving feed buckets, inspecting the animals in the barn for ailments, and catching out three calves for treatment / vaccination. After the lattermost activity, Padre and I took a seltzer break before embarking on a beef pasture check. It was a fairly normal ride-around, but we did have to fix some fence and chase a few cows out of a tree line where they were not supposed to be.

Final Note: Now that I am back in Jacobhouse, I plan on finishing up today’s entry, preparing some more shortribs for dinner, and writing a little bit more before engaging in leisure for the remainder of the evening.