(Above: Born on 7/30/2006, this is the oldest bovine on the farm. Her number is is 9418, and she is just shy of being 14 years old.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture inspection with Padre, and the weekly cleaning of Jacobhouse. This was followed by my writing for a short while, tending a Master Blend customer, and then writing until about 11:45 AM. It was at that point Madre, Padre, and myself ventured in to Aneta’s Bistro*. There, we ate lunch at 12:15 PM.
(5:47 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with writing for about 45 minutes followed by a somewhat lengthy rest. Farm tasks followed and included: catching bovines for embryo transfer (and the removal of a stick from one’s foot), capturing a calf for treatment, checking the barn for ailing creatures, taking a seltzer break, inspecting the animals in the beef pasture, and picking up a whole bunch of sticks / removing them to the tree line in an effort to prevent more ‘stick-feet’ from occurring. On returning to the farm’s front portion, I tended to another Master Blend customer. Now I am back in Jacobhouse completing this entry before writing and cooking some Picanha-style shortribs for dinner.

Final Note: The lunch at Aneta’s today was delicious, and I was quite glad to see that they are doing excellent business despite the needlessly** resurrected COVID concerns.
*It should also be noted that we stopped at Nickles’ produce stand along the way and procured four final watermelons for the first season (out of the two annual seasons which take place in early summer and mid-autumn).
** From the start, I have been of the opinion that they need to let the virus run its course. Not only is legislation ruining the economy by attempting to slow its spread, it is allowing the disease more time to mutate into other, more serious forms. If it was simply allowed to run its course, there would be too many ‘exposed’ people for the virus to continue existing in any meaningful form (herd immunity). \o/
That old cow, by the way, is pregnant for her twelfth time.