(Above: Saturday dawn over an exceptionally verdant pasture inhabited by a thriving herd of bovines.)
Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics and a beef pasture check with Padre. This was ensued by a couple quick garden inspections and then by my returning to Jacobhouse where I wrote for almost 2 hours. Near the end of that latter task, I was summoned outdoors to tend to a Master Blend customer. It was a quick and easy transaction followed by a resumption of my prior activities. At about 11 AM, I decided it was time for a break. I prepared a couple potatoes for lunch, got them baking, and then partook in some leisure time. Lunch occurred at about 12:05 PM.

(5:11 PM Update:) This afternoon began with my cutting a watermelon, making pizza dough, writing for thirty more minutes, resting in Jacobhouse high-bed, and partaking of some more leisure. I next ventured outdoors to help with the usual cattle-related activities (catching / feeding / treating / inspecting the pasture) and tending to another Master Blend customer – a fellow who has now bought approximately 180 lbs of ground beef in the name of feeding some apparently ravenous Doberman pups. It was another extremely toasty afternoon, so I am now glad to be within Jacobhouse’s air-conditioned confines once more.
Final Note: After completing today’s entry, I plan to write just a tad more, tend to some bacon/mushroom pizza preparation, and enjoy some gaming before checking beef cows with Padre in the outdoors’ blistering heat.