(Above: Ensalada Asada. Braised romaine accompanied by roasted tomatoes, onion, apple, and some very delicious bacon. The dressing was a sweet honey mustard into which I dunked the salad’s various components.)
Weather: Today began in the mid 50s and warmed to the mid 80s. Rain fell in the late day.
Morning Walk & Write:
Dawn of 4/22/2022 from the lowest terrace of Casa Spratling.
This was the view a few minutes later from the Church of Guadalupe.
A flourishing Bougainvillea found on my way down to the Zócalo to procure the morning soda & snack.
That snack ended up being a small albeit satisfying handful of salted almonds.
Lunch at St. Lucia Restaurante – Very tasty, but not the quality of my first visit – 7/10
For a beverage, I enjoyed a Diet Coke.
I asked for a small salad once again, but the waiter said it couldn’t be done. I questioned the fellow in Spanish, “…pero el otro día, ellos me hace una ensalad con no problema,.” He proceeded to say something I couldn’t quite understand, so I relented with an “Está bien, fruta es buena.” Unfortunately in this case, the fruta was not the best. The papaya and the watermelon both were warm and a tad overripe.
The life passing on the street nearby made for fine entertainment while I awaited the main dish. The man-of-many-hats to be seen near the picture’s center is only one of a great number who wander the main thoroughfares of Taxco, selling multifarious head-wear to tourists.
Chilaquiles verdes con cuatro huevos – a satiating and delectable repast.
A lengthy afternoon stroll, Part 1:
The walk begins. This is a view of the Santa Prisca & Casa Spratling that I had never seen before.
View of Carretera Federal 95 on its way past the Mina Prehispanica.
View of Carretera Federal 95 on its way past Hotel Loma Linda.
Sanctuary of the Lord of the Holy True Cross.
I took a picture of this hotel (Hotel Santa Prisca) because it has an interesting restaurant – a Chilaquileria – inside that I may visit before heading home. It’s name is De Totopo y Salsa.
Break at Bar Berta – A fine place to repose and people-watch – 10/10
Bar Berta. I read about this place in “The Silver Gringo”. William Spratling used to get loans from Ms. Bertha who started and operated this bar. It has been in operation since the 1930s. As for the unique wall decoration on the right side, it is a whole bunch of different bank notes (efectivo) for all sorts of different countries.
A splendid view of the Santa Prisca Cathedral from the table at which I sat.
Seltzer and “Berta”. Both refreshing. I especially enjoyed the flavor of the latter which consisted of: Honey, Lemon, Egg White, and carbonated water.
I sat and simply looked / watched for a good 25 minutes before readying myself for part 2 of my amble.
A length afternoon stroll, Part 2: This part of the journey took place just before and during a late-afternoon shower. It never rained a large amount, but the slight drizzle and strong breeze * was refreshing.
View of Taxco Zócalo before heading up to Cristo (about 5 PM).
Approaching rain.
Despite precipitation, thunder, and lightning, a number of tourists remained at Cristo. Including myself. (The weather was refreshing, especially after the toasty afternoon leading up to that point.)
View of the Taxco Zócalo from Cristo.
More rain, experienced on the way back down the great hill.
An interesting flower found along some stairs during my descent.
As I returned to Casa Spratling, I witnessed this sight: the Santa Prisca and a few mountains behind it belit by the sun while the rest was still enshrouded by cloud-cover.
Sunset reflecting off of clouds to the north.
Dinner at Antología – Fresh food, best presentation, and friendly service – 10/10
La carta (or menu).
The gratis bread-plate at Antología restaurant, accompanied today by a Dijon mustard, spicy chimichurri, and a sweet-garlic spread.
Ensalada Asada: Braised romaine accompanied by roasted tomatoes, onion, apple, and some very delicious bacon. The dressing was a sweet honey mustard into which I dunked the salad’s various components.
Pozole verde accompanied by a Gin & Tonic, and a gratis drink provided by the house. The flavor of the pozole was excellent, and it was so hearty (and the bowl so very full) that I sadly could not finish it.
I really like Pozole, and I can see myself making it at home at some point. Chilaquiles, too.
Final Note: It is 4:07 PM on April 22, 2022, and I have just finished calculating the actual length of my walk yesterday by plotting it on Google Earth.
Just another short walk in Taxco.
* The reason I placed an asterisk above is because I wanted to mention that last night – or about 5:30 AM this morning [4/22/2022] – I was awoken by both doors of my room smashing open and wind rattling the window panes. Leaves swirled about the chamber with a great gust, and I could hear the leafy boughs of the ficus tree outside roaring. As I blearily turned on the lights and hastily closed both doors, I was beset by sprinkling of rain and more leaves. It ended up being a mere spring windstorm (not uncommon here or in temperate climates such as Ecuador), but it was as startling an awakening as I’ve received in a very long time!
1 thought on “4/21/2022 – Taxco, Day 24 – Revisiting Antología”
Just another Taxco day, it’s been a great adventure for me and I’m enjoying it from afar. That food looked tremendous yet again.
Just another Taxco day, it’s been a great adventure for me and I’m enjoying it from afar. That food looked tremendous yet again.