(Above: A first real look at Las Pozas Azules de Atzala. Water of vivid turquoise hue was hemmed in by limestone walls emerald with lichen and moss.)
Weather: Today began in the low 50s and proceeded to warm into the low 80s. Sunny throughout.
The morning walk:
Dawn of 4/20/2022, Taxco.
Santa Prisca Cathedral standing before an almost empty Zócalo and beneath an equally vacant sky.
To the Pozas Azules & Back:
On venturing to the bus station to inquire where the Pozas Azules Colectivo was, I was told to go to the Coppel (a massive department store) where the shuttles have designated sign.
Usually – at least in the early day – the Colectivo waits to fill before going to Posas Azules. This filling process took about 30-40 minutes.
Guerrero mountainside on the way to the Pozas.
Aside from a few scattered towns, the broad valleys I witnessed along the way to the Pozas were largely uninhabited.
A poor-looking bovine – one of about 10 I saw during the ride.
A first real look at Las Pozas Azules de Atzala. Water of vivid turquoise hue was hemmed in by stony walls emerald with lichen and moss.
This is the pool where I decided to swim.
After 10 minutes in the very frigid water (low 60s F), I decided to get out. This was not due to the frigidity of the water nor due to the myriad tadpoles clinging to the rocks. No, there was some form of leech or larvae that was clinging to my toe that I was not very fond of. I think it may have been some form of larva because it dropped off as soon as I was out of the water.
During the hour or so that I stayed at the central pool, the park really began to fill up. There were too many people for me, though I was impressed how a great number of the swimmers did not appear very much affected by the water’s frigidity.
A property near Casa Spratling. It is little more than a vacant lot with a ruined hovel, but it is located less than 3 minutes from the Zócalo.
Lunch at Scaffecito – Quiet, light, and delicious – 10/10
Rather than venture out to find lunch, I decided to stay at Casa Spratling and enjoy a piece of Mole Lasagna down at Scaffecito. It was excellent and not overly sweet. I could taste the chili-ancho in it, and it went exceptionally with the shredded chicken to be found therein.
Dinner at Pizza al Leña – Economical, delectable, and satiating – 10/10
Later on, after some rest, sweeping, catching up on this blog, and practicing accordion amidst a few other tasks, I ventured to Pizza al Leña for dinner. It is much as I remembered it: a cozy den smelling of woodsmoke where one can acquire some exceptional pizza.
I ended up asking for the vegetariana con extra serrano (a ham very similar to prosciutto) on top.
The vegetation consisted of tomato, onion, green pepper, mushroom, pineapple, and artichoke. This, along with the ham, was laid atop a mozzarella cheese and salsa de jitomate (tomato sauce). It was both delectable and satiating. I ate most of it with no additional sauces, but the last couple piece I added a little bit of Salsa Inglesa, and it was somehow even better.
I have 7 more nights of this view (4/20/2022).
Final Note: I will admit that I was not looking forward to going to the Pozas Azules simply because of my uncertainty of how to get there. The ironic part is that even though the Pozas were a tremendous sight and an interesting destination to visit, I actually enjoyed the journey to and from them more. The lands surrounding Taxco (which I viewed via colectivo) were rugged mountains half clad in desert and half clad in pine forest — on whole much different than the flatlands that I call home.
1 thought on “4/20/2022 – Taxco, Day 23 – Las Pozas Azules”
Cliché I know, but the saying that the journey is ‘the’ best part of a trip can indeed be true. I enjoyed the videos, thanks for sharing them.
Cliché I know, but the saying that the journey is ‘the’ best part of a trip can indeed be true. I enjoyed the videos, thanks for sharing them.