(Above: After venturing down the hill, I found the Zócalo to be nearly devoid of inhabitants. I should note, however, that there were a number of folk gathered in the Santa Prisca for early Mass.)
Weather: Today began in the mid 50s and warmed into the mid 80s. Sunny throughout.
The morning walk:
4/17/2022: Semana Santa has ended with Easter’s dawn.
A quiet morning at the Church of Guadalupe with the sun just beginning to rise over the mountains.
Taxco: Easter Sunday 2022.
Taxi drivers are some of the earliest individuals to rise. I reckon this is because they are some people’s sole means of transport to work in the morning.
After venturing down the hill, I found the Zócalo to be nearly devoid of inhabitants. I should note, however, that there were a number of folk gathered in the Santa Prisca for early Mass.
I saw this ad on the way back to Casa Spratling. 50 Mbps for 389 pesos (less than 20 dollars) per month.
Breakfast at Scaffecito – 10/10
A fine breakfast of agua mineral, coffee, fruit (banana, mango, & papaya topped with fresh mint).
Lunch at Rosa Mexicano – Unique fare, novel flavors, but a tad too sweet overall – 7/10
The view from Rosa Mexicano was terrific, as can be seen by the scene behind me.
An interesting salad. Everything was fresh – fruit and vegetable both – and the dressing they gave me was a Mezcal & Miel (Mezcal and Honey). The bitter-sweet dressing went well with the plate, but I think a balsamic vinaigrette would have been just as good if not better. The fruits consisted of: mango, strawberry, and blackberries. The vegetation consisted of lettuce and spinach. Peanuts & Queso Cotija were the only ingredients that did not fit into either category.
Enchiladas Rosa Mexicano: These enchiladas were stuffed with chicken and bathed in Rosa Mexicano’s famous Mole Rosa. Topped with pomegranate seeds, cream, and Queso cotija. Accompanied by rice.
The chicken inside was ‘overcooked’, but not really. What I mean is that ordinarily it would be ultra-dry chicken, but in this case it acted as sponge, soaking in the Mole Rosa and melding together savory and sweet in a truly unique combination. I won’t be getting Mole Rosa again (or perhaps no Mole at all) during this trip because it is too sweet for me, but it truly was a novel and still-delicious experience.
As can be seen, despite the sweetness, I greatly enjoyed my plate of food. I kept tasting the Mole Rosa, because its flavor is so complex that I kept tasting something just a tad different on each bite.
The afternoon walk:
View of Taxco at 5:00 PM on Easter Sunday of 2022.
Pokeberry found just before the ‘bosque’ (forest) below Cristo.
The same school that I took a picture of on one of my earliest trips up to Cristo. I think that they took a break for Semana Santa, because the sail shade stretched over the picnic tables has been gone for a bout a week.
El bosque.
A 2-story residence for sale about 10 minutes walking from Cristo. I called to find out a price, but I think the person either thought I was a scammer or could not understand my Spanish, so they hung up.
Late day descent (about 6:30 PM).
I found this Honda Odyssey at the open-air church close to Cristo. How surprising would it have been if it was the van from home?
If one looks closely in this picture – toward the bottom center – they can see that a family has set up an inflatable swimming pool on the roof their house. There were a number of people having a grand time swimming and splashing about. A testament to the strength of concrete building.
View from the Church of Guadalup at about 7:10 PM.
Dinner at El Adobe – Soup, Salad, Tortilla Chips, and Wine; a light and satisfying meal – 10/10
Ensalada verde dressed lightly with mostaza y miel and white vinegar (the latter being a request on my part because I was craving something acidic). Accompanied by chips, salsa verde, and a very full glass of red wine.
Chicken & vegetable soup. The broth bore excellent flavor. When the waiter asked if I wanted another glass of wine, I told him; “Quiero, pero no necessito!” He laughed at that and proceeded to bring me the check. I should also note that whenever I ask if the waiter / waitress wants the “propina en tarjeta o efectivo”, they always seem to prefer the latter.
Easter night through the tower window of Casa Spratling.
Final Note: Already I have been in Taxco for 3 weeks; tomorrow the ‘final countdown’ begins with 10 days remaining.