(Above: Later on in the evening when I was attempting to find a place to eat, I almost could not navigate the streets; there were that many people. At one point, I had to turn around and find another route because there was an especially thick throng surrounding an effigy of Jesus which was being borne on the shoulders of white-clad men and women.)
Weather: A day beginning in the mid 50s and warming to the mid 80s.
Morning walk & breakfast tamarind:
Dawn of 4/14/2022 – Taxco, México.
In the Zócalo, a number of people were adding greenery to the frame that had been erected a couple days previously. On further investigation, I saw that there was shrine to Jesus (and another figure that I could not quite discern). I did not go inside because it seemed like there was some sort of hand motions / religious ceremony necessary. That, and there were many people waiting to get in.
Lunch at Aurora Cocina Economic – Traditional Mexican Fare in a very friendly atmosphere – 10/10
An authentic Guerrero (cheese-stuffed) huauzontle accompanied by rice and beans and topped with a red tomato sauce. I was fortunately warned to not eat the especially tough stalks both by the waitress and by the ladies eating alongside me… though I will admit that I have eaten tougher stems while on the farm. The flavor was similar to spinach, and that in combination with the cheese and tomato sauce was downright tasty. Cocina Aurora was not serving meat today, because it was Holy Thursday (no meat until after Easter).
Afternoon adventure & a picture of a busy avenue on the eve of Holy Thursday:
I procured these fruits as a snack for 10 pesos. Unfortunately, the flavor was only slightly sweet, the texture was extremely starchy, and they bore large pits. I’m still uncertain of the name, but I think that they need to be cooked before consumption.
Apartments of interest that I may go check into. The daily rate is 300 pesos (15 dollars); I would be interested to see what the weekly and monthly rates are.
?Northern? side of Taxco’s central hill as viewed from the same route that I took on the Collectivo bus the other day.
View of Santa Prisca Cathedral from the Church of Guadalupe on Holy Thursday 2022 (4/14/2022)
Later on in the evening when I was attempting to find a place to eat, I almost could not navigate the streets; there were that many people. At one point, I had to turn around and find another route because there was an especially thick throng surrounding an effigy of Jesus which was being borne on the shoulders of white-clad men and women.
Dinner at Santa Lucia Restaurante – Comparatively expensive, but delicious fare & great staff – 9/10
The starter for this dinner consisted of some toasted garlic bread accompanied by a sweet pesto and a spicy chimichurri.
Beverages for this meal consisted of a Taxco Agua Mineral along with a glass of Vino Tinto (Malbec from Finca Las Moras de Argentina).
Ensalada Italiana: Mixed greens, cucumber, pepper, tomato, purple onion, and croutons topped with a creamy Italian vinaigrette. Satisfying for the ‘green tooth’.
Pizza de Pesto: A thin-crusted pizza topped with mozzarella, goat cheese, prosciutto, and a drizzling of pesto. It was delicious, satiating, and there was enough left for a fine lunch on the morrow.
Final Note: This afternoon at about 4:30 PM (possibly 5:30 PM — I just know it was not on-the-hour), I ventured out to Casa Spratling’s lowest terrace for some fresh air. It was at about this time that the bells began. These were not the soft and polite chimes to mark the hour; they were something different, and it was an event that churches throughout all of Taxco joined in. Blackbirds rose from everywhere in the city, flying in all directions at once as the clangor continued for one or two minutes straight – a cacophony of peals that did not match in tone, only in volume. It was akin to a scene of great portent out of a movie, but this was in the real world, and I’m glad to have witnessed it.
1 thought on “4/14/2022 – Taxco, Day 17 – Holy Thursday”
Everyday something, no many things new. Great for the brain and the spirit. As always thanks for sharing.
Everyday something, no many things new. Great for the brain and the spirit. As always thanks for sharing.