(Above: Mother cow #429 standing in the shade beside her newborn calf.)
Active Summary: Today began with writing and a beef pasture check with Padre. On returning to Jacobhouse, I took part in the daily calisthenics, completed a few housekeeping tasks, and wrote for another hour. This was followed by my venturing outdoors with the intention of procuring a watermelon or two. A short drive to Mr. Nickles’ produce stand revealed that it was closed, but on my way, I had observed that Steve’s produce stand was open. Bearing this fact in mind, I stopped by the latter location on the way back home and procured a couple watermelons and a couple baskets of tomatoes. I concluded morning activities with producing a lunch of: roasted fish (grunt & pink flounder), baked potatoes, and freshly-cut watermelon.
(5:03 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with writing, research, and a brief rest in Jacobhouse. Next, I made my way into the blistering* outdoors to help with a few cattle-related activities, including: salting feed, catching a beef cow for embryo transfer, and checking the pasture & barn for ailing animals. This was ensued by a seltzer break and then a potentially successful Segway repair**. After completing the repair, Padre and I returned to our abodes where I am now going to write and enjoy a bit of air-conditioned leisure time before heading back out to check the beef herd around 6:30 – 7 PM.

Final Note: After the beef pasture check, I will likely eat a light dinner of watermelon and salad. The remainder of the evening shall be spent playing some online games and reading.
* Not quite that hot, but it was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit beneath the shade of the old hay barn.
**The plastic steering handle was loose, so I thought to repair it via PVC glue. Results shall likely be posted in tomorrow’s entry.