(Above: Today’s primary garden task was to clear weeds away from the Jewels of Opar. I left the fresh-smelling grass, because I want to find out what it is.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and a little bit of writing. This was followed by my venturing outdoors to perform the morningly beef pasture inspection with Padre and to fill / move 8 bags of compost to the Moo-Magic stand. I next returned to Jacobhouse, printed up a Master Blend invoice, and readied a 34-lb package of beef for shipment. Another return indoors was followed by 1.5 hours of writing and then a journey into Ocala with Madre where we procured lunch from Sushi Bistro and dropped the beef package off at a FedEx store. Lunch occurred at 1:00 PM, and consisted of onion soup, salad, and some exceptional sushi.
(6:54 PM Update:) Post-lunch activities included some PoA coursework and a brief repose. Following this, I ventured outdoors where I gardened, helped repair a septic tank at the Studio (it is all working well now, I think), and aided with various cattle-related activities (catching cattle for embryo transfer/breeding/calf-nourishment, checking the fields for ailing & active creatures, clearing out the bovine-sewage pipe, and performing the day’s final beef pasture inspection). On returning to Jacobhouse, I made some 3-minute pizza dough, showered, and now I am putting together today’s entry.

Final Note: After concluding this day’s post, I intend to spend the remainder of this evening in a leisurely manner. Also, here is a video captured this morning: