(Above: About 1/5 – 1/4 of the weeds were cleared away this morning. I’m being careful to leave the Jewels of Opar and the green onions, as they both are still thriving.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and writing. This was followed by a beef pasture inspection with Padre and then by my shoveling dirt into the waterline ditch near Madre’s office-container. I next participated in about fifteen minutes of garden-weeding, and after returning indoors, I engaged in 1.5 hours of writing. A brief bout of leisure ensued until about 11:35 AM which was when I departed to visit Padre at the studio. Lunch occurred at 1:00 PM and consisted of beef tacos (grilled beef patties and tortilla shells served with diced onion, greens, sour cream, and salsa).
(6:37 PM Update:) After tending to a few Master Blend calls, I partook of some leisure, and at 3:00 PM, I ventured outdoors. There, I helped a couple Master Blend customers before tending to various bovine-related activities, including: feeding fodder via bucket, capturing a couple cows for breeding / embryo transfer, catching a weanling for re-weaning (its nose-flap fell out), checking the beef pasture for active and ailing creatures, aiding in the acquisition of milk from a mother-cow unaware of her matronly duties, cleaning the butterfat-coated ‘acquisition & feeding gear’ after Padre had bequeathed the calf with a hearty draught, pitch-forking feed, and performing the final beef pasture inspection with Padre.
Final Note: Now that I have returned to Jacobhouse, I am concluding this day’s entry before engaging in leisure and a light dinner of Aneta’s bread & salad at the Studio.
*For reference, I have two primary plants intend to grow next year for the summer garden: Jewels of Opar and Green Glaze Collards (Malabar summer spinach was good, but its flavor is much stronger than Jewels of Opar and it has a slight mucilaginous texture). I will also likely use Spectracide’s anti-slug and snail granules to combat those prevalent mollusks.
Mucilaginous … quite the discription.