(Above: Dawn of 10/13/2020. It was the foggiest morning thus far this autumn.)
Note: I meant to include the video of our rounding up cattle via Segway and Flagging Tape, but this is preventing me from doing so. It shall have to be an overnight upload.

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and PoA coursework. This was followed by a beef pasture inspection with Padre and about 15 minutes of gardening. I next returned indoors where I wrote for 2 hours before working some more on school. Lunch occurred at 12:20 PM and consisted of chuck-roast tacos and plenty of watermelon.
(6:41 PM Update): Afternoon activities were initiated with more PoA writing and a brief repose. This was followed by outdoor activities where I helped Madre on her office project. Today’s tasks consisted of tidying up the workspace and cutting boards for a wooden box that shall surround her bathroom fan. I also performed a portion of the evening’s beef pasture inspection with Padre where we found one calf that was scouring yellow-blood-water and another calf that had been born 4 weeks early. We treated the sick calf, and I fastened some of the box boards together as Padre fed the premature animal. I returned indoors shortly after all this.
Final Note: After I conclude today’s entry, I intend to work more on PoA and hopefully submit the assignment. Afterward, I shall slice a watermelon for dinner. (7:25 PM Update:) The internet has prevented me from completing the PoA portion, but it cannot stop me from slicing a watermelon.